The HeArt Project is now artworxLA!
We're excited to present our new website complementing our new identity! has been 6 months in the making. It will enable students to find resources, donors to get involved and for everyone to learn about the story of artworxLA in much more interactive ways.
The HeArt Project has worked for 21 years to bring art to teenagers at highest risk of dropping out of school and we have seen the impact it has had on so many students. It has taken a community of caring people and organizations to work together to succeed and we are grateful for your help.
We know art works, but we have been told that we are the “best kept secret” in LA. We want to tell our story louder and better, so we changed our name and unveiled a new look.
Our core philosophy and our method of practice are not changing. We have gained much experience over these past 21 years, and we remain committed to what works and how to do it. We just want more people to know about us. One of our board members, Grant Kirkpatrick, has led us through a brand transition that we officially completed on July 1, 2013.
We have a high school dropout crisis in Los Angeles. The top reason students give for dropping out of high school is lack of engagement. A key engager to reinvigorating students in their education is the arts. We know that art works, and so we have our new name.
We hope you like it and that you will help us promote the effectiveness of engaging our most vulnerable students with a rigorous arts program!