access our public presentations online
Every semester, artworxLA invites our students to witness their work on display at our cultural partner institutions, placing youth voices in dialogue with professional artists at prestigious arts organizations they may never have seen before.
Continue scrolling to virtually participate in our 2022–24 Public Presentations in collaboration with the Autry Museum of the American West, the Fowler Museum at UCLA, the Hammer Museum at UCLA, Jack London High School, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA), Neighborhood Youth Achievers, and USC Games.
artworxLA Public Presentations are made possible in part by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA). For more information about the DCA, please click here.
We are grateful to the DCA for uplifting arts and cultural opportunities for people in the most under-served districts of the City of Los Angeles. DCA supports Public Presentations to ensure artworxLA exhibitions and events are open to all, as well as our Level 1 workshops at the following schools:
Design and Media Arts Academy (DMAA)
Jack London Continuation High School
Jack London Community Day School