artworxLA Hosts Spring 2017 Fashion Residencies with Otis College and the Fowler Museum
artworxLA students in our Spring Fashion Residency have been exploring 5-weeks of fashion design with Otis College of Art and Design Instructor and fashion designer Amy Bond. Inspired by their tour of the Fowler Museum's exhibition AFRICAN-PRINT FASHION NOW! A STORY OF TASTE, GLOBALIZATION, AND STYLE, students in this course have been exploring centuries of design and textiles that originate from Africa. Students in the residency received an in-class visit from two artists whose works are being exhibited in Fowler's exhibit. Fashion designers Alexis Temomanin and Tit Ademola met with artworxLA students and shared how they translate textile patterns into their own Dashiki designs.
In the coming weeks, the students in this workshop will design and create their own textile patterns, drawing on personal inspirations and meaningful symbols. Students will also venture to Otis College of Art of Design for the annual Jury Fashion Show. When this workshop concludes, students in the residency program will exhibit their final works to the public at the Fowler Museum.