Creative Career Planning At Saito High School
A difficult question facing a majority of high school students is where they see themselves in 5-years. To ignite a few answers to that question, we hosted a creative career panel discussion with professionals from LA's creative career fields. artworxLA students me with, E-Commerce Expert, Actor, Producer, Director of Non-Profit, Kinyumba Mutakabbir, Actor, Writer, Content Creator, David Hunter Jr., Production Manager, Brandy Zeigler, and Staff Writer at Twentieth Century Fox Studio, EsterWeithers. Each panelist shared how their career pathways were never obvious but, they were the products of inspirations and experiences learned throughout their lives. Our students learned that career pathways aren't forged from complacency, but they are chiseled from acts of perseverance and dedication.
We thank each panelist for sharing their skills and career journeys. We also thank artworxLA Creative Pathways Manager, Adenike Harris for connecting us to these unique creative career professionals.