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artworxLA Advanced Programs Students Support Grand Performances

On July 1st, artworxLA's Advanced Programs students came out to support LA's arts community by joining Grand Performances' celebration and launch of their new concert series First Peoples, New Voices Series.  This four part series gives voice to artists from various North American Indigenous communities who use contemporary music, dance, and theater to share their stories and experiences. This spectacular exhibition mashed raw hip hop lyrics, with iconic dance and delivered it as an innovative manifestation of protest. Our students spent the evening connecting with concert goers and sharing how they have been inspired by the arts.

Be sure to join Grand Performances as they host concert events throughout the summer. Join them for their upcoming events listed below!

Artists included Frank Waln (Sicangu Lakota), The Sampson Brothers (Mvskoke Creek/Seneca), Tanaya Winder (Southern Ute/Duckwater Shoshone/Pyramid Lake Paiute), MC RedCloud (Huichol), Mare Advertencia Linka (Zapoteca), and Jessa Calderon (Tongva/Chumash/Mexica).  

First Peoples, New Voices Series:

Sat Jul 1 @ 8:00 pm | Hip Hop: First Peoples, New Voices

Fri Jul 7 @ 8:00 pm |The Thanksgiving Play - Larissa FastHorse (L.A. premiere)

Sat Jul 22 @ 7:00 pm | Her Voice: Riffat Sultana [Pakistan] + Meklit [Ethiopia] + Ulali[First Nations]

Sat Aug 5 @ 8:00 pm | Entre les Etolies (Among the Stars) - Dorian Wood + Kaumakaiwa Kanaka'ole [Hawaii]