2018 LACAC Learning Event Day at LACMA

artworxla organized a Peer Group LACMA tour and city planning workshop for this year's LACAC interns. We are grateful towards our gracious hosts Albert Valdez, Holly Gillette and Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca from LACMA for facilitating our Learning Event Day at LACMA. 

Illustration/Plans by Mila Frank

Illustration/Plans by Mila Frank

- Kachina Xu from Justice by Uniting in Creative Energy proposed a multi-purpose overpass that is aesthetically pleasing, more vending machines, storage spaces for trash pickups and pads to collect rainwater.

- Carolyn Shyong from LACAC developed the idea of a conveyor belt freeway, the freeway concrete can be multi-used and can collect water.  She would also like for there to be transformations in transportation, water, and power.

- Gemma Jimenez from Echo Park Film Center opposes the environmental racism in Pacoima, increased access to organic foods, wants more urban gardens, more art spaces and better zoning laws, less pollution. 

- Dominique Dickey from Get Lit-Words Ignite wants access to creative equipment, living spaces, bigger spaces and more public spaces for communities.

Highlights from our workshop include:

- Mila Frank from Get Lit-Words Ignite discussed her ideas about creating more homeless shelters in Los Angeles. She offered that we should build them in vacant parking lots and suggested that the city offers more resources for families such as free community college courses and free laundromat services. 

- Sophia McDowell from Theatre of Hearts wants to see less trash, more homeless shelters, and fitness classes.

- Carolyn Archaga from artworxLA, born and raised in South L.A. suggested renewal in her community that is produced with full consent and knowledge of the residents. 

- Emily Sajche from The Gabriella Foundation discussed the idea of a community board for North East LA and South LA, more cultural centers, increased bus services and affordable housing stock.

- Elisa Apra from 826LA wants a more efficient boarding experience on the metro system as well as reduced fare for college students, more bike lanes, more light at the bus stops, more youth on public transportation, and LA-based Artists to provide art installations at metro stations.

Illustration/Plans  by Kachina Xu

Illustration/Plans  by Kachina Xu


2018 LACAC Metro Tour


2018 Summer Scholarship Recipients